In 2017, the owner of The Beauty on the Move Salon started a committee with 7 persons who had a passion for community service.  These volunteers formed a committee to set up community-based programmes on behalf of the salon; programmes that would enhance the inner growth and development of persons in the community. While the salon beautifies you externally, this arm of the salon would beautify you internally. It is called The B.E.A.U.T.Y. Project. An acronym used to symbolize the effort of the group to Build, Educate, Assist, Uplift & Teach You the community, from topics relating to areas of interest. Meetings are held once per quarter and expert speakers are invited to share. Persons ask questions to get the relevant information for help and assistance where necessary, after which a light refreshment is served while we get to know each other. “No man is an island and no man should stand alone”. So, watch out for the announcements and come out to share with us, you will be glad you did!